BOOKS TO NOTE (audio) (always in progress)

book cover (audible) - THE ANSWER IS
Narrated by LeVar Burton.
Rachel Carson with children sitting in woods
THE SENSE OF WONDER by Rachel Carson / book cover for Spanish translation of the book)
book cover (audible) - SENSE OF WONDER
THE SENSE OF WONDER by Rachel Carson (book cover of an English edition)
Rachel Carson’s THE SENSE OF WONDER (audio version narrated by Kaiulani Lee)

book cover (audio) - MICHELLE OBAMA autobio (amazon i51w4zG9Dn6L)
book cover (audio) - A CHRISTMAS CAROL read by Patrick Stewart (amazon 51DtjMFW4fL)
A CHRISTMAS CAROL by Charles Dickens (read by Patrick Stewart) (at Amazon)
book cover (audio) - A CHRISTMAS CAROL read by Patrick Stewart (B&N 9780743563796_p0_v1_s550x406)
(at Barnes & Noble)